What I Do Is Take The Common Ordinary
Floral Vase, And Make It A Unique 1-of-A-Kind Work Of Art And Traditional Keepsake That You Will Want To Refill Again And Again
.....enjoy and all the best to you always!
Wedding Vase. When the Vase has been made, the Husband, along with his parents and all his relatives go to the bride's house. The parents of both the bride and the groom give the young couple advice to help them have a happy and successful marriage. The holy water is placed in the Wedding Vase and the Vase is turned around and given to the bride. She drinks from one side of the Vase, turns it round again and gives it to the groom who then drinks from the opposite side of the Vase. This ceremony unites them as one.The couple will treasure the Vase throughout their married life. Should one of them outlive the other, the remaining person will give the Vase to a couple known to be living a happily married life.
The Wedding Vase is treasured and protected always and it is never broken.
The Wedding Vase Tradition
Usually a week or two before they are married the future husband's parents make the
The wedding vase tradition originated with the Navajo Indian
and is made out of clay. I have just put a different medium to it, and extended the love to include your unique color choices as well and your families culture.
This ceremony is similar to that of a unity candle or a cup. During your ceremony each of you drink from the vessel as a symbol of two individuals whose lives are becoming one.and is made out of clay. I have just put a different medium to it, and extended the love to include your unique color choices as well and your families culture.